A trip to the theatre or a broadway show is always a great way to spend an evening out, and it makes a nice change from going to a bar or a restaurant. There’s something special about seeing the best in the business, acting on stage right in front of you, and there are so many amazing productions to choose from.
Unfortunately, that can be a bit of a problem for some people. When you go online and start looking at theatre tickets, you might feel a little overwhelmed. There are so many different theatres, and they are all running different shows. The runs change fairly often as well, so there’s always something new. You’ve got a huge selection of shows, some old classics and some brilliant new ones that are causing a splash. There’s a wide range of genres to choose from as well, all the way from musicals to straight drama, and everything in between.
Whether you have never been to the theatre before or you’re an avid theatre-goer, you might not have a clue where to start, and if the tickets are expensive, you don’t want to pick something that you won’t like. Recommendations from friends is often a good place to start when trying to pick a show, but if you are still lost, we’ve got you covered.
This great infographic helps you to choose a show by looking at the films and TV that you watch, what your experience with the theatre is, and what kind of experience you want out of it.
Infographic Designed By theatre tickets