How To Stay Productive During Lockdown

If you’re working from home during the coronavirus outbreak, you could be facing many struggles. From missing the office and your colleagues to unexpectedly sharing your workplace with your family or roommates, there’s a lot to adjust to.

One of the key things many facing, as faced by many people who work from home, is the struggle to stay productive. It’s not easy when you’re spending day and night in your home, but with the right attitude and some key coping techniques, you can make it work.

Here are some ideas for staying productive during lockdown to help you get through it. 

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Build a routine that works

One of the most difficult things about working from home right now is finding a routine. It’s not easy to settle down when you’re at home, and you’ll likely have childcare, pets and other distractions – making it difficult to work 9-5. The most important thing is to create a routine that works for you. It might involve starting earlier, finishing later as well as doing some weekend work. As the days go on, you’ll establish which times of day work best for you, and you can create a schedule around it.

Get better at time management 

While your work pattern might be erratic right now, you need to make the most of the time that you are working. Being able to use your time wisely will help you work through your to-do list, and help you work quicker too. There are some fantastic time management tools designed to help you prioritize and allocate time accordingly, helping you to keep on top of things. 

Take some time for personal development

Lockdown has affected businesses in many ways, with many people experiencing much lighter workloads than usual. If this is you, why not spend some time working on your personal development? You could undergo some training to enhance your skills or you could use a free resume maker to help you get ready for your next career move. There are all kinds of ways to occupy your time that will help you make the most of the lockdown period. 

Find the right work/life balance 

Finding a healthy work/life balance is difficult most of the time, but it can be even harder when you’re working from home and there’s no separation between work life and home life. There are some useful tips you can use to help you find the right work/life balance when working from home, including creating a suitable workspace and making sure you take a proper break at lunch and once work is over. 

Adjusting to working from home isn’t easy, but it’s much better to be at home now than risk spreading the virus to others. You might need to change your practices or do things a little differently, but it will start to feel normal. Settle into a routine that works for you, and you’ll soon get used to working at home.  


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