Making sure your business is a safe place for people to work, shop, or visit is very important. Healthy and safety considerations in your business might change from season to season. During the winter, when temperatures start to fall and the weather can bring sleet, ice, hail, and snow, you should do anything that you can to provide the safest conditions for your staff, customers, and visiting clients.
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Well Lit Workplace
The days are shorter which means that employees will often be arriving and leaving the workplace in the dark. Make sure that all your internal and external lighting is in good working order. Furthermore, check with your staff to make sure that all areas have been checked.
Review Your Lone Working Procedures
Because of the shorter days and people having to arrive or leave in the dark, it is important to look after any of your staff who will be working alone, especially during cold weather. Review your policies, make the procedures that you have in place robust, and communicate this message to your staff. For example, you might want to create a buddy system, so people don’t have to walk to their cars alone in the dark or to make sure there is more than one person who arrives to open up in the morning.
Check Your Heating Systems
This should be done during the summer months, but if you didn’t manage to get it down, make sure your heating systems are fully serviced by a professional to avoid any issues before it gets too cold.
Remove Wet and Decaying Leaves
Fallen leaves can hide other hazards along pathways into a building and can be a slip hazard themselves. Be proactive and clear leaves before they become a problem. You can clear the snow with a Snow Plowing Contractor.
Identity The Areas Most Likely To Have Ice
Check areas like entrances to buildings, walkways, shortcuts, and car parks for ice. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and if it approaches freezing then grit the paths as night falls or early in the morning before employees start to arrive.
Raise Awareness Of Winter Driving Hazards
Remind your staff to have their cars prepared for winter weather, and check your own fleet if you have one. Verify the following:
- Lights should be fully operational,
- The battery is working,
- The screenwash needs to be in the right concentration,
- Tires must be in good condition,
- And the brakes should be working well.
Help Keep Your Staff Fit And Healthy
There are lots of illnesses that are exacerbated in cold weather, which can all cause people to need time off. Think about the most common winter illnesses are and find ways to help your staff combat each one. You want to make sure your staff can stay warm at work, are drinking enough fluids, and get enough rest.