Well educated is an aspiration for many individuals. We believe that it’s the gateway to be qualified for jobs, rising up in society, and overall obtaining success in our lives. There is truth to that, however, how one becomes well educated in the world has changed a lot.
There are many notions that you need to go to college or university in order to be educated in that particular field. And while there is truth to that, I feel that a lot of that is associated with higher levelled jobs – i.e. jobs that require you to get other certifications beyond education. Jobs like accountants, lawyers, doctors, surgeons, and others need to have an education.
However the world has changed so much and new jobs have emerged that don’t require an extensive background. Programming, animation, social media marketer, influencer, and many others. A lot of jobs today can get away with you not having to need an official certificate or degree. But they still demand you to be well educated.
Furthermore, information is more readily available. Many professionals have provided tonnes of information in their respective fields these days. It’s easy for us to well educated in even areas that require years of education. In the end, it’s easier for us to have the education equivalence of a professional in particular industries without holding specific degrees. I’d like to provide you with a system that helps you to get to that point.
Anyone is able to leverage this system and it all comes down to a matter of habits and a mindset that you need to adopt in your life.
Adopting A Curious Mindset
The first step to being well educated begins with the desire to learn in the first place. One of the first parts to learning is to be curious about the world around you and to ask yourself questions. It follows the same concept as being an interesting individual to others around you. If you’re not going to be asking for details about people or topics, then you’re not going to have a vested interest in it in the first place.
In school, I was an average grade student. One of the largest roadblocks to me making higher grades is that I didn’t ask any questions. There was no passion for the subjects I learned and therefore prioritized things I was more interested in. The same holds true to this day. My passion for writing stems from me asking myself questions.
How can I be a better writer?
Is there a way for me to make more engaging content that my readers will love?
I jump at learning opportunities to hone my writing skills in most situations due to that. If that wasn’t there, I’d have given up writing long ago.
This holds true to other subjects in your own life. If you’re not curious about something, you won’t spend time devoting to it. So instead find a topic that you are interested in and have questions that need to be answered.
Google Random Facts To Be Well Educated
Once you develop that curious mindset, the next step is to use it on a regular basis. You want to be looking for resources that are able to meet your own needs. The biggest is of course Google. Over the years, we have developed a dependence on Google’s search engine to the point we even have sites that google stuff for you.
If you’re curious about literally anything at all, chances are Google has videos or other content that talks about it. Someone at some point has likely talked about this and thousands of other people have answered it in their own way as well. There is a plethora of information and you’re a few keystrokes away from uncovering it.
Another consideration that you can go with is the use of GetPocket. This is a plug-in that I use that provides me random articles every single day. Every time I open a new tab, I’m greeted with three articles that I can click on and read. These articles pertain to topics that I’m interested in and want to learn more about.
Be Well Educated Through Simple Online Courses, Articles, And Videos
When you google something you tend to gravitate towards more official sources. Wikipedia is one of the first that comes to mind. While learning that way is still good, you can also gain a lot through the other mediums: articles, videos, and online courses.
Articles like these are written many times over and there are a lot of people who have their own techniques that they wish to share. Every single one of them has their own way of explaining these things and neither one of them is superior to the others presented. It all comes down to your own preferences and who can keep you reading more.
The same holds true to videos. Many people provide extensive tutorials and explanations which is great. We can all leverage these things thanks to platforms like Youtube which house billions of videos with many of them being professionals or average people passing information and experiences.
These mediums are great ways to be learning all kinds of things and you don’t want to be dismissing them. These are all free and provide great insight.
Though one of the best forms out there for being well educated is through online courses. There has been a massive demand for various programs and courses. As a result, companies and individuals have filled that gap. This in part to platforms like SkillShare and Udemy. However, because of this surge in online courses, many universities have taken the opportunity to provide their own online courses. Many of which offer programs entirely for free.
Whether you learn from platforms or through free university courses or through the previous methods mentioned is up to you.
However, don’t let the idea of free information get to you. Free information is great, but sometimes paying for information can be vital as well.
For example, you can go down the free route but you’ll need to develop a coherent system and have a network of people you can rely on to help you learn. By not having that, you may run the risk of learning but not leveraging that information. Furthermore, you may have a biased learning experience. This can be dangerous moving forward as that shapes your reality. And if it’s misleading information, it can lead you down the wrong path.
That’s not to say you need to find a counter-argument to everything you learn. There will always be one in any aspect. The important thing is that you are aware of such things and determine that you seek out your own truth. Not to mention ensure that individuals are using proper and accurate sources whenever they make statements or make claims.
While this can also be said with paid courses, the thing is you’ll have an easier time getting in contact with that individual. You can easily message instructors and if the instructor is good, they’ll make a point of responding to your questions.
Apply The Information
Once you have gathered up enough information on the topic, the next thing is to reinforce that information. Like a language, you’re not going to retain any of the information if you don’t bother applying it and using it in every day life.
One thing that I admire about the gym that I’m going to is the fact that the areas I’m training are areas that I use every single day. I work on my back on a regular basis which in turn improves my posture and allows me to stay comfortable in my seat while I write for long periods of time. Not only that but I walk straighter thanks in part to all of the exercises I’m doing.
With this in mind, you want to be tying what you are learning – whether it’s big or small – to things that are applicable to you in your life. I’m sure if I didn’t learn about the practicality of my workouts, I might not have as much interest in it as I do now. I might only show up three times a week as opposed to the four times per week that I’m committing myself to this week.
One other big example is motivational speeches or seminars. Not many people are going to remember the little bits of information. It’s usually a swell of excitement and positive emotions, but then most people relapse to the way things were.
They didn’t learn anything.
The only time that’ll change is when you take down notes, show genuine interest and work over those positive emotions and then apply that information in your life.
How you apply it in your own life is up to you, but there are a few ways that I find easiest:
- First is the method I mentioned above. You make a personal connection to it. This makes it easier to retain as it’s more relevant to who you are right now or what you are doing. For example, I have a little bit of knowledge on the Brazil renting system. Why? Because I’d like to move there at some point and I’m most likely going to be renting while I live there.
- The second method is incorporating this information into the conversation. In recent memory, I’ve relied on articles I’ve read or books that I’ve read to make connections to other facts. For example, when I talk about health, a lot of it is from personal experiences. But some of it also stems from articles or videos.
- The final is actively using the information. What I mean is if you’re consuming step-based information or a tutorial, you learn by doing. When it comes to those skills, you have to develop a whole other mindset and ultimately keep showing up. For example, every person can be a great writer. All they need to do is practice writing on a regular basis with the intent of getting better at it.
Be Well Educated By Assessing Your Results And Growth
Self learning is all about gathering information, learning, applying, and then finally, assessing the information. For you to get to that point, you want to be able to create a goal or set expectations for yourself. This isn’t something that you have to do immediately, hence why I saved it for the end.
What matters most is that you develop an interest and a passion for learning something. Once you understand the basics, you can set loftier expectations for yourself and higher goals than simply learning something.
In the end, learning comes from us having curiosity and exploring that curiosity. With that understanding, we strive to seek deeper answers and look for new questions to ask ourselves. This is no different from us honing our skills by tackling problems and overcoming them only to find larger more challenging problems. This strife, this cycle is how we all grow.
If you are looking to be well educated, it’s important that you tap into that system. Only then will you be more open to learning and developing yourself no matter what.
To your growth!
Eric S Burdon