Excel consultants can help your SME to perform more productively and efficiently. Used effectively, Excel can analyse your business data, presenting it more clearly and quickly, and thus allowing more informed decision-making. It can automate repetitive tasks so business leaders, owners, and managers can spend time doing more valuable things. It can extract more useful information from your existing data set with little effort. Excel software can be configured to work with your existing business processes and procedures rather than needing to change your business model to match more specialist and expensive, off-the-shelf software.
Expert Excel Programming Can Provide Cost-Effective Business Solutions
Since the launch of Excel in 1985, its use in business and the workplace has grown, and it can now be argued that it is one of the most important programs used in offices and workplaces around the world. Its huge power, flexibility, and customisability make it an excellent tool for a large number of business applications. It is, however, that very power and flexibility that has meant many businesses and business users do not use it to its full potential. Indeed some install and use less powerful software tools because they lack the knowledge and expertise to configure Excel to do the job. This can lead to compatibility problems where different programs are used for different functions.
This is where a consultant in programming in Microsoft Excel can offer cost effective solutions and produce bespoke Excel software that will work with all parts of your business. This will enable data and information from all business functions to be combined and produce the most complete data analysis on which to base your business decisions and future plans.
Competent Excel programming allows businesses using Excel to run complex operations and expert data manipulations, presenting them in an easy to digest format. It can also ensure you are not accused of any wrongdoing, as there are excellent wage theft lawyers who will protect your best interests if you are an employee and your employer has been negligent in terms of payment, whether intentional or not.
Using Excel Experts Can Allow You To Fully Utilise The Features Of The Program
Many SMEs use some Excel functions to look at different parts of their businesses. For example, many businesses use Excel for parts of their finance and accounting tasks such as producing invoices and receipts to more complex tasks such as budgeting or financial forecasting. Other departments might also use their own spreadsheets for quality control, time sheets, payroll, human resources planning, marketing, and product management or inventory management. In fact, the only limits on using Excel for business are the creativity and skill of those developing the spreadsheets.
So, whether it’s a revenue growth model for a new product, calculating discounts based on sales volume, or summarising staff hours, using Excel experts will allow you to exploit the numerous functions of Excel to develop the most effective solutions. Microsoft themselves currently estimate that only five to ten per cent of all Excel users are fully utilising the most complex features of the application to develop business insights. Business leaders have also noted a gap in the ability of many workers in developing new applications for Excel. Using Excel expert help will allow you to take advantage of the advanced functions of Excel.
Excel Consulting Services Can Optimise Your Business’s Internal Processes
Using Excel consultants can give your business a competitive edge by reducing administration time and costs and maximising the value in the data that you collect and hold. An Excel management consultant will develop and use a range of analytical techniques to optimise your company’s internal processes, improve productivity, and give you accurate data outputs you can effectively use for planning and reporting. They will tailor their solutions to your business and market sector.
A good Excel consulting professional will use Excel to bring your data from different files and documents together in one location. When this is achieved, all your data can be combined to allow it to automatically be summarised in any number of different ways. It can be visualised and presented in pie charts, graphs, and clustered columns, which can help ‘bring your data to life’.
Along with condition formatting techniques, which help data points you see as important stand out from the numbers, you can use these visualisations to help identify trends in your data. Furthermore, the use of average or trend lines can emphasise all the emerging patterns, and extending these lines beyond the graph provides predictions of future activity indicating possible directions for future strategy.