Do you sometimes wonder what you’re doing with your career and where it’s heading? It’s time like this people start looking around for something new, but what is that new thing is also a little bit aimless? What you need is a career plan you can easily follow, one that gives you direction and leads to the outcomes you truly desire.
Set Goals For Your Career
Are you an active person or a passive person? Most people are somewhere in between, we have an intuitive sense of what our goals are, but often we are too passive to pursue them – at least with the energy needed to be successful.
All types of people can benefit from goal setting when it comes to career progression. Setting goals gives you an aim and helps you to build a project around them. Goal setting not only gives you a target, it helps you to plan a timeliness and keep track of it.
Develop A Timeline
The next tip to help you succeed on your career path is to develop a timeline. A timeline means the time you think it will take you to meet your primary goals. This could be months or years. Usually a five year period is a reasonable target.
Five years is the time given to most business projects. It is enough time to set off on a journey and encounter obstacles along the way to the final destination. Try to view your career in this manner, like a business proposition.
Training Courses
When you have your career goals and your timeline the next step is to populate that timeline with professional training courses that will develop you personally and add value to your career. Kallibr WHS provides some excellent industry standard courses to choose from.
It’s a good idea to select a range of training courses that build on each other and lead toward one or all of your career goals. Set up a spreadsheet with your timeliness and input your training course schedule to map out your career progress.
Review Your Career Path
If you have a boss or mentor in your place of work make the most of your quarterly or bi annual reviews to also review your progress. If you don’t have a boss or mentor you might think about finding one through a professional agency.
Your career mentor is someone who understands your career goals and timeline. They will be able to ask the right questions at the right times to ensure you are on track to meeting your goals. If it’s a boss they might also support your progress with time and resources.
Journaling Your Career
Journaling isn’t only for self improvement or keeping track of your life, it can be a very effective tool for mapping your career progress from week to week. The reality is that ideas change all the time and this may affect your timeline and goals.
Keep track of your thoughts, feelings, and events regarding your careers and it will help to keep you focused and tuned into what’s important at any given moment. You don’t have to use a notebook for this, a convenient app is better.